Sunday, September 12, 2010

How d oI repair a HP 7150 printer? Aribbon type strip of plastic come rotten while installing bright cartridges.?

How d oI repair a HP 7150 printer? Aribbon type strip of plastic come rotten while installing bright cartridges.?

I own had similar experiences beside HP DeskJets.

That strip should have a hole on any side.

Each hole fits in the posterior through the carriage assembly and is used for encoding the horse-drawn carriage position across the width of the newspaper.

You might have to spread out the case to remove the top cover to acquire access to the mounting tabs. Open cover and look for screw securing top & bottom. Sometimes it's tabs that involve to be moved to unlock.

One side(R) of the strip is placed on a fixed tab the other side (L) is placed on a more sping-like tab to keep rigidity on the strip. Again feed the encoder strip through the horse-drawn carriage. I usually start left side afterwards right. Make sure the strip doesn't bend or move when the carriage moves side to side.

Good luck!!. private rental homes

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